Circulation Policy

Carpenter Memorial Libary Circulation Policy

Library cards, with borrowing privileges, will be issued to Kittitas County residents without charge, as long as they reside within a jursidiction that pays for library services, such as cities with existing library services, cities that contract for library services, or the unincorporated areas of the county, if the board of County Commissioners contracts for library services.

Library Card Registration

Applicants who wish to request a library card from the Carpenter Memorial Library must show photo identification and verification of residency in Kittitas County

Example of acceptable photo ID are:

  • Driver’s license
  • Military identification
  • Passport or student body card

Examples of acceptable current street identification are:

  • Valid ID with current address
  • Current bank statement with name and address
  • Vehicle registration
  • Current utility bill
  • Recent piece of mail with resident’s address
  • Rental agreement or receipt with current address

By submitting the application form the applicant agrees to:

  • Be responsible for all activity and transactions in the library
  • Obey the Library Code of Conduct 
  • Pay any fees incurred to continue use of the library
  • Provide timely notification to the library of a change of address, change of contact information, or loss of card

Library cards for minors

  • Children under the age of 12 must have a parent or guardian present to sign for library card and verify their local address.
  • Teens, ages 13-17, must have a parent or guardian present to sign for library card unless they have their own ID and verification of address.

Checkout Privileges & Guidelines

  • Checkout Periods:  All items are checked out for 3 weeks at a time, with the option to renew, if the item is not on hold.
  • Checkout limits
    • Books / total items = 15 items per card
    • DVDs = 5 per card
    • We understand that some households are homeschooling and require more materials.  While some exceptions can be made, we ask that you understand we are a small library with limited resources and we maintain borrower limits, so that we can have materials accessible for everyone.
  • Hold Requests:  Items that are checked out can be placed on hold, and the patron will be notified by email or phone when the item is available to be picked up.  Patrons have 7 days to retrieve their items.
  • Interlibrary Loans:  Our Library does not currently have the resources to provide access to interlibrary loan.
  • Due Date Notifications:  Materials are hand stamped with a due date at the time of check out.  Reminders are emailed to patrons who provide email addresses when their items are about to be due or are overdue. 

Library Fines and Fees

The Carpenter Memorial Library does not charge late fines.  We still ask that patrons monitor their due dates and return library material in a timely manner, but patrons will not be penalized for returning items past the due date.

  • Lost Materials:  An item is declared “lost” 60 days after it is marked overdue.  If items are lost, the patron will be billed for replacement costs (including a processing fee).  As an alternative, a patron may replace lost material with a new copy of the item or new copy of another item that the library suggests as a replacement.  Please see the circulation desk for approval for replacement materials. Lost material that has been paid for or replaced by the patron will be removed from the system.  No refunds will be given once payment or replacement has been made.
  • Damaged materials: Patrons are held responsible for items returned with damage sufficient to prevent their continued circulation as judged by library staff.  Like Lost items, the patron can either pay the replacement fee or opt to replace the item.

Suspension of Checkout Privileges

  • Checkout privileges may be suspended when a patron has any item that has been marked “Lost.”  Checkout privileges may also be subject to suspension if a patron has returned an item that has been damaged or has missing parts.  Privileges will be restored when all lost, damaged, or missing parts have been returned or paid for or replaced with suitable replacement copy (the circulation desk can advise you on what is a suitable replacement)

Adopted by Library Board on 10/17/2023.


Made possible with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Washington State Library, Office of the Secretary of State.